The Silver Medal is the most prestigious award presented by The American Advertising Federation of Jackson, Mississippi, and its parent organization, the American Advertising Federation. Each year, AAF’s local affiliates select their community’s most outstanding advertising professional. The award recognizes an advertising professional who made outstanding contributions to further industry standards, creative excellence and social concern in our community.

This is your opportunity to nominate a peer you feel has made significant contributions to our industry and community.

Some important points:

  • You do not have to be a member of AAF Jackson to nominate someone.
  • The candidate does not have to be a member of AAF Jackson.
  • This is a HUGE HONOR for the person who receives it…it pays tribute to their career and their good works. It is not a popularity contest or a political thing, and the selection of the recipient is not taken lightly.
  • It’s easy to nominate someone—easier than ever before. Just fill out a form and make a brief outline.

You probably know someone who deserves this honor and recognition. If you admire (or even envy) the work of a local icon, you can nominate him or her for the 2019 AAF Silver Medal.

Nomination deadline is Wednesday, January 16, 2019.

How to Make a Nomination:

A Nomination Form (download below) should be completed and submitted along with a Letter of Nomination to the Silver Medal Committee. The Letter of Nomination should discuss, in outline form, your candidate’s accomplishments in the following areas:

  1. Contributions to their company. A nominee must have achieved success in an advertising agency, for an advertiser, in publishing or broadcasting or for an advertising services company.
  2. Creative ability. A nominee must have shown a consistent, high degree of creative, original thinking in whatever phase of advertising he or she has worked.
  3. Contributions to the general advancement of advertising. A nominee must have worked to increase the stature and raise the standards of the advertising profession.
  4. Contributions to the community. A nominee should have been active in civic, religious or other groups dedicated to some phase of human or social welfare.

Criteria for Judging: Candidates will be judged on the basis of (1) contributions to their company, (2) creative ability, (3) contributions to the general advancement of advertising and (4) contributions to their community.

> Download the Nomination Form, Instructions, and past Silver Medal Winners list


Letters of Nomination are due no later than close of business Wednesday, January 16, 2019.

Nominations will be accepted either by mail, fax, or email.

Please submit your Letter of Nomination to:

AAF Jackson 2019 Silver Medal Committee
Attn: Mary Lee
740 Avignon Drive, Suite A
Ridgeland, MS 39157

Phone: 601-201-0568
Fax: 601-856-1625

This year’s Silver Medal award winner will be chosen from the field of nominees by a select committee comprised of previous Silver Medal recipients, past presidents and AAF members at large. The current AAF Jackson President serves as an ex-officio member of the committee. The committee’s chairman does not vote.

This year’s winner will be presented the Silver Medal award in ceremonies at the American Advertising Federation of Jackson’s American Advertising Awards celebration Friday, February 22, 2019. If you have any questions concerning your nominations, please contact Mary Lee at 601-201-0568 or