AAF Jackson Invites You To Learn About Changing Demographics & How This Affects Your Business, Today & Tomorrow

August 18, 2011 @ 11:30 Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and Museum (next to the Ag Museum on Lakeland Drive near I-55)

Get a quick glimpse of the fall’s hit shows as WAPT and Fox40/My 35 present their fall lineup.

Then, hear from Kelly McDonald, a marketing and advertising expert with more than 20 years of global advertising agency experience, in both the general market & Latino market, and enjoy excellent food and networking.

AAF Members: FREE I Non-AAF Members: $25 each

RSVP NOW AAFJackson@gmail.com

ABOUT THE PROGRAM: The 2010 Census numbers are in and the findings are startling and profound. One in three Americans is not White. Four states have “minority majority” populations. Young people increasingly are opting not to get married. Asians have the highest household income of any race or ethnicity. Rural communities are losing population fast. Now, more than ever, it’s imperative that you understand the changing demographics of the communities and groups you serve. How can you best serve a local community or organization if you don’t know what your community looks like today? This presentation will focus on why changing demographics and diversity are business opportunities and how these changes affect your business today and tomorrow.