Phil McCarty to Speak at March Meeting

Join AAF Jackson at the MS Sports Hall of Fame for a regular membership meeting at 11:30, Monday, March 25th.

RSVP to by Thursday, March 21 to reserve your spot.


The Evolution of Cause Marketing: How it started and where it’s going (Hint: it could be your neck of the woods!)

Phil McCarty
Founder, Good Scout Group – New York

No matter the market, big or small, these days consumers are exposed to cause marketing and branding everywhere they shop. In fact, research indicates that the majority of consumers say their buying decisions are swayed by a brand’s alignment with a cause. Once a segmented niche, cause marketing is a progressive force that drives and supports marketing strategies in companies of every size, national and local.
Learn how cause marketing alliances can benefit organizations from the inside out by promoting products and services, raising brand awareness and building employee goodwill, all while supporting worthy nonprofit organizations.
Key takeaways from the session:

  • Gain insight into the value of cause marketing promotions and take away best practices.
  • Understand the basic elements necessary to design and implement a successful cause marketing program.
  • Learn the keys to successful cause and brand alignment and get tips for how to approach prospective partners.
  • Learn the key ingredients of a successful small/local cause alliance campaign and how national cause programs can be customized for a regional market.

Phil leads Good Scout with a vision that only comes from decades of experience developing groundbreaking cause marketing campaigns for nonprofits and corporations like Feeding America, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Make-A-Wish Foundation of America, Visa, Chili’s, Williams-Sonoma, and Tommy Hilfiger. Phil oversees strategic direction for all Good Scout clients, services, and brands. He is also a sought-after national speaker on cause marketing topics and trends.

Download Phil’s Speaker Profile